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The main objective of the research project is the development of a natural soap from Saponaria species. Specifically, from the roots of a small endemic plant of Cyprus, Saponaria Cypria, natural saponins are extracted, which are an excellent soap with neutral pH, which deeply cleanses the skin without harmful or chemical ingredients, leaving the skin smooth and soft.
Two newly highly specific extract-products from the plants Saponaria officinalis and Saponaria cypria that originates only in Cyprus will be produced. Crude extracts will then be extracted further in order to isolate the saponin-rich fraction. The saponin-rich extract will be enriched with additional ingredients to form the natural soap products (final products). The saponin extract will be characterized in terms of its chemical composition, with the use of several analytical techniques and will be evaluated in vitro with several assays. The in vitro studies will include the investigation of the antimicrobial - antibacterial properties of the saponin-rich extract as well as the determination of the stability of the final soap products.

The Project: Text
The Project: Text


The project lies on the fact that saponin extracts from Saponaria officinalis and Saponaria cypria grown in Cyprus will be studied. The endemic Saponaria cypria and specifically its antimicrobial activities will be studied for the first time. All extracts will be further used as the active ingredient of a new soap product with cleansing and antimicrobial properties which will also be suitable for sensitive types. Through this project, new knowledge will be created regarding the saponin composition of the two Saponaria species as well as their antimicrobial properties. The innovation of the project lies specifically in the creation of a soap produced by saponins which are natural ingredients extracted from Saponaria plants, thus making it suitable for people with sensitive skin, atopic skin, pregnant women and children. 
Plantation and growth of both species will enhance the involvement of Cypriot people in the exploitation of these plants in the so-called alternative agriculture, thus contributing to the development of agriculture and improvement of the economic growth locally. The product of this project, will not only be unique for the local market, but also the international market as well.

The Project: Text
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